Thursday, April 19, 2012

Weekly Spending and Hot Yoga!

Since this is supposed to be a personal finance blog I'm going to try to post more about my daily spending. I've been keeping track of all my spending in my Expensify app on my iPhone and I'm going to try to remember to post weekly updates again. Since I get paid on Fridays it will go Friday to Thursday.

So here is my spending from Fri Apr 13th to Thurs Apr 19

Fri-  $2.00 juice and snack at work (we have vending machines)
Sat-  $12.19 bulk barn
        $22.29 food basics
        $5 admission to bar, $5 drink at bar, $2 coat check. 
Sun- $5.25 subway fee (when we went to High Park)
        $10 lunch at High park restaurant
Mon- no spend day
Tues- $5 parking at local college for my course exam
Wed - no spend day
Thurs- $5.55 goodwill
           $45.20 yoga studio (one month trial) 

So thats:
Food: $46.49
Misc: $73.46

So this week as you can see was my final exam for my course. I think it went well, I didn't find it too hard or anything, it's always just a little bit of nervous anticipation waiting to see if you passed, especially because a pass is 70%. So I should know in about a month or so.

Today I tried hot yoga for the first time. My coworker has been going to this place for the last 2 weeks or so and I decided to go with her. It was $40 plus tax to get a one month trial for new members. After your first month, its super pricey like around $150 a month. So we plan to just do our first month at this place and then check out another less expensive place closer to where we live.

Now for my thoughts on hot yoga - in terms of the poses, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I have definitely been to other more harder classes. It also wasn't as hot as I thought, I'm not sure what I was expecting really, but I would say it was about 2/3 as hot as a sauna. The only thing that sucks is when I can feel the beads of sweat dripping down my body, it makes me itchy! Also its hard to hold on to things like your foot when its soaked in sweat. Can't really get a good grip. Other than that it was great. I'm definitely going back, I mean I've got to get my moneys worth but after that I plan to check out another place.

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