I have come up with some plans for 2009. Basically its my list of resolutions but instead of making it sound more like rules I'm going to call it a PLAN.
1. Pay off student loan.
-continue to pay atleast $500 a month towards student loan, plus any extra money left over inbudget. If I only pay $500 a month I should have it paid off in the next 6 months, but if I am able to pay any extra on top of that, this shortens the time by a little bit plus I plan on putting my next tax refund towards that, however much that may be.
2. Get in Shape
-I'm going to renew my gym pass and make a goal of going once a week in the beginning to ease back into the routine. Increase frequency to 3-4 times a week. Also, I want to try to work out at home atleast once a week, doing various yoga/pilates moves that I learned from the classes at the gym and also some weight lifting excersises from my womens health magazines.
3. Drink more water and make healthier food choices. Try to take food from home more often to work instead of buying food at work. This kinda goes with #2.
4. Start an RRSP and maybe some other non-retirement investments.
5. Keep tracking my spending and try my best to stick to my budget that I made. (which is coming soon).
In 6 months? ARE YOU KIDDING!? That is AWESOME :)
Fabulously Broke in the City
Just a girl trying to find a balance between being a Shopaholic and a Saver...
I am totally with you on goals 2-3. I have put on some pounds this year and really need to focus on my health as much as I do my finances!
yeah me too Dolly!! *sigh*
That's great if you can pay off your student loan!
Happy New Year :)
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