Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday this and that..

Yesterday I went with my mom and sister to see Eclipse. They were planning to go to an early show, and since I didn't work until later in the afternoon, AND it was cheap day I thought it was the perfect opportunity. thoughts? Well, I thought it was pretty good. In my opinion, it was definately better than the first two, a lot more action. I think my co-workers are planning to go see it as well, so I may end up seeing it again.

Today I also watched Shutter Island, with Leonardo DiCaprio. Now, I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before, but Leo is my movie boyfriend. I absolutely adore him and find that he just gets sexier with age! haha. I thought this movie looked a little strange, but I had to see it cause he is in it, and well it WAS very strange. I won't spoil it for anybody but now that I think back on it, the ending was somewhat typical of movies these days. If you see it, you'll know what I mean.

I get paid Friday and I still have $48 in my bank account, plus $10 in my wallet to buy lunch at work tomorrow, which is really all that I will have to spend until I get paid. I haven't had this much left over from a previous paycheck in awhile. I might put it on my credit card, or towards my car loan. I'm not sure yet.

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