Saturday, September 18, 2010

Long time no blog

Well it has been awhile since my last post and it is time to catch you up on what is going on in my life. I have been a little pre-occupied lately with studying for my exam, but that is all over because I had my exam today!! After months of studying, I am so so happy to be done. And the exam was not as hard as I had anticipated. I have to wait about a month to find out the result and then if I pass I can start taking courses in January. Aside from the exam, it ended up being a really fun day. I am going to tell you guys all about it in a separate post:)

Last weekend I went to a house party ( I know right? A HOUSE party!) for my friends birthday. This friend is 2 years younger than me and this really became obvious at this party. I met this friend at work a few years ago and even though she doesnt work there anymore, we still keep in touch and see each other a few times a year when she is back in town (her parents live here). So I went to her party with another former co-worker who is also the same age as me and she brought her friend.

Now I don't really have anything against younger people, but this party was really not our scene. I felt like I was in a club. lol. They had like, real DJ equipment set up in the house and it was all like rap/raggae music that I was not familiar with at all. I guess I just like to dance/chill to music that I can sing along to? Anyways, it wasn't uncomfortable or anything but it wasnt really our type of party. I really think we were the oldest ones there, and we just dont party like that anymore. I guess I prefer more of a laid back scene, where everyone is just chillin out and having great conversation. We ended up leaving by midnight and going to a local restaurant for some appetizers cause we were starving! Then the next day I found out they partied until 7am! yikes :S

One good thing lately is that I am getting more hours at work due to a co-worker being on sick leave suddenly. It kind of sucks to be down a person, but it works out to be more hours for me and I could use the money right now. So the next few weeks will be a full work week. Yay! :)

Anyways thats it for now. Next post is my Toronto adventure.

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