Friday, April 8, 2011

Shopping Ban is Over

So it is now April and my shopping ban is over. My course is finished (well the exam is in a week and a half) and I am allowed to shop again, and in fact I have! At first I was going to wait until after the exam, but as the time got closer I couldn't wait.

My thoughts? Well, I imposed this shopping ban on myself as a way to hopefully spend less in general, and think about my spending habits and where my priorities are as far as spending goes.
As far as general spending, I think I made up for not buying clothes by buying concert tickets! I think the memories and experience of that will be worth more than clothes ever could be, so for that I don't feel too bad about it.

Towards the end (like the last month) I was just jones-in to go clothes shopping. I think a big part of that was the fact that its getting nicer out and so I started thinking of summer and summer clothes.

One thing I really had no problem with and didn't crave was buying makeup. I have really learned that I have more than enough makeup, and there is a few main things that I really gravitate to these days so I really don't need more. I am not as adventurous with my makeup as I used to be.

In the last week or so I have bought some new clothes that I really like, so I'm going to take some pics (thinking about doing some outfit pics) and will show you in the next post!

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