As far as what I got for Christmas, just a few small things like books and dvd's but probably the best thing is a new computer chair. It is really the main thing that I asked for from my parents. I just had a cheap one before but this is a nice leather one that is super comfy. Before, my back would get sore on the old chair and I couldn't sit for too long. I don't see that happening anymore!
The books I got are The Wealthy Barber Returns and Baking with the Cake Boss. I love the show cake boss and I love to bake and something I want to learn is how to make nice cakes like they do on the show like with fondant and all that. I got some cheap christmas cake pans on sale at Walmart on boxing day, just little ones for practicing.
Yesterday I went shopping and got a few good deals. I had a $25 gift card from the Gap that I got with my air miles probably 6 months ago or longer. I have been waiting all this time for a good sale to combine it with to get some nice dress pants. I ended up scoring some awesome "curvy pants" which are regular $69. I got them for $22 because they were 40% off plus the gift card.
I also got some nice tops from Banana Republic. All the mark downs were a further 30% off so I ended up getting two shirts that were regular $50 each and I paid about $44 for both! They are super nice and work appropriate and soooo soft.
I also noticed a fantastic deal on Smart Canucks. had the entire series of Dawsons Creek for $29.99 yesterday only! So I snatched that up as well as Jay-Z's book.
My next pay check is going to be nice because I have some overtime during the week of Christmas as we got totally slammed. And then this week I have worked boxing day so I will get overtime for that and then also getting paid for New years.
As for new years plans, I have nothing yet. I'm honestly just looking forward to having the weekend off, because Christmas was completely exhausting for me. Working in retail makes this time of the year so tiring and frustrating because people are MEGA rude as opposed to their normal rude selves. I just can't wait to relax!
Hope everyone had a great Christmas. What are you all doing for new years?
Good job on the Christmas spending!
NYE is always filled with so much expectations that no matter what I do, it turns out not as awesome as I had hoped. So this year, we're taking it low key by going to a friend's party or to a bar downtown. I wouldn't even mind staying in, but the bf probably wants to party a little, so we compromise. At least I'm not overpaying to get into a crowded club against this year.
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