Friday, January 4, 2013

Almost There!

One thing I neglected to mention in my holiday re-cap post was that I received a check from my grandfather for $1000.00. Yes, one THOUSAND dollars. I was in shock and disbelief.

Today I called him to say thanks and then I proceeded to put that $1000 towards my car loan. My loan is now down to $2000!! I am sooo close to being completely debt free. I hope to have it gone within the next few months and then I can start to get serious about moving out.


Liquid said...

That's awesome. It's always a nice feeling to get a special gift from someone unexpected. Have you started looking for a place yet? That loan should be paid off in no time.

The Asian Pear said...

wow. what a great gift from your grandfather. :)

Anonymous said...

What an amazing gift from your grandfather and an equally amazing way of spending it!!