Friday, March 18, 2011

Budget Recap

Here is my budget for March 4-17. As I think I mentioned before, I don't do a monthly budget anymore. Instead I do a two-week budget to go along with when I get paid. This is really the easiest way for me.


Income: $818/$849.34

Rent: $150/$150
Car: $118.24/$118.24
Insurance: $100/$100
Cell Phone: $68/$68
Gas: $50/$20
Food: $60/$67.89
Going out: $20/$31
Emerg Fund:$25/$25
Amex: $75/$121
Misc: $50/ $13.75
Course fund: $100/$94

Actual Income minus Actual spending: $40.46

So it says I had $40 left over but I definitely forgot a few expenses cause I did not have anything left over. lol I always do that. The good news is that during my trip to Ottawa I didn't spend any more than the $300 I had saved. This covered everything from food to activities etc. I had the $50 gas gift card from Toyota so that was awesome!

1 comment:

Girl Makes Cents said...

Good job staying on budget for the 2 weeks and the trip!