Last weekend I went to see Taylor Swift at the ACC in Toronto. I have been a fan of hers for a long time and when the tickets went on sale last winter, I had to jump on the chance. How can I even explain what the concert was like? Well, it was absolutely amazing. It wasn't just your every day concert. It was a whole production. The set changed for every song. There was ballet dancers, a tap dancer, acrobats hanging on ropes, even fireworks!! At one point she left the main stage and walked through the crowd to a smaller stage at the back and sat underneath a light-up tree and played a few songs. She played guitar, banjo, ukulele and piano. She also "tested our Canadian knowledge" with a small medley of songs by Canadian artists, which we all recognized and sang along. This included Avril, Justin Beiber and Nelly Furtado.
I thought the Bon Jovi concert in February was amazing but this topped it by far. Her fans are even wilder and more dedicated. There was quite an array of light-up signs that fans made (mostly young girls) and it was cool to just look around and see all the lights. For the last song which was "Love Story" she floated over the crowd in a very Juliet-style floating balcony. Towards the end of the song as she made her way back to the stage there was a burst of confetti! The whole thing was soo....magical. It was like I was living in a fairy tale. That's really the only way to describe it. Overall I was very impressed!! Our seats were in the 300 section which is waay up high. So, not close at all, but still worth it!! I would go again in a heart beat and pay double if I had to.
that does sound amazing! I think the only concerts I saw in the ACC were Spice Girls (come back tour) and Weezer, and they didn't do anything close to what Taylor crafted for her concert! I know that Taylor Swift has a lot of younger fans, but I can still relate to her lyrics at the ripe age of 28. And she just seems to nice... like she really cares about her fans. I think her awesome production proved this.
Sounds like a great night, glad you enjoyed :-)
Jealous! Glad you had a great time.
ya, i know what you mean. I can totally relate to her lyrics and most girls can.
I have noticed that sometimes with tv performances she sounds a little off. I think she feels more comfortable at her concerts because she sounded perfect!! They way she interacts with her fans, it's like she is just hanging out with a bunch of friends. Young girls feel like she IS their friend and thats why her fans will do anything for her!
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