A whole week has gone by and I haven't posted. I guess it's time for another weekend update. I worked all weekend which kind of sucked, but it wasn't that busy so it was nice to enjoy some down time.
On Saturday I went out with some people from work to the bar. I could of got a ride but then I didn't want to pay for a cab to come home so I just decided to drive and not drink. I still ended up having a really great time and was glad that I went. It was a bar that I had never been to before and it was pretty nice, there was a really nice patio area which was awesome.
On Sunday I was pretty tired from being out so late, and then after work I went to see 21 Jump Street with my co-worker. It was sooooo funny. And spoiler here, Johnny Depp makes an appearance!! At this point I thought to myself "this movie just got a whooole lot better!"
Anyways hope you guys all had a fabulous weekend. And since I forgot the Sunday funnies here is a St. Patricks Day themed one.
Sounds like a pretty good weekend to me!
I LOVE this!!
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